aka druk kereltje | aka little Stinker
HD: A1 | ED: 0/0 | LÜW: 0 | DM: N/N = frei, da beide Eltern N/N | SCDA 1&2: N/N = frei, da beide Eltern N/N
kbr/kbr = reinerbig gestromt, da beide Eltern kbr/kbr
Wurftag: 16.05.2018 um 01:55Uhr
Gewicht: 22,5kg (11.11.2018)
Schulterhöhe: 56cm (11.11.2018)
Mutter: Baya´s Sunshine von den Hohenheimer Herdern
Vater: Grog von Carolus Magnus
6 weeks old he was when I first saw Mister dark blue or should I say Mister troublemaker?! Always looking for the action and where there was excitement you could see a dark blue collar.
So Sharleena had doubts whether I was the right choice for her dog because she didn´t know me at all, and rightly so because this is not a puppy for just anyone. I was offcourse very happy when she decided he could be mine.
Tons of energy this puppy has. Always exploring and ready for action. He really inherited the best properties of his parents; looks very tough and has the tendency to dominate but he is ooh so sweet, very happy and shining. One thing he does not have is an “off button” so the bench works really well for this matter.
Little Duvel really has become my buddy and together as a team we are in training for the IPO-R international search and rescue dog program. On the trainingsfield it's all focus and working power and his high prey and hunting drive makes him suitable for this kind of work.
Looking forward to seeing this little fella grow up to be an adult. I enjoy every minute of his presence!
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