Da Sunny´s Leeloo von den Hohenheimer Herdern

aka Maulwurf 

HD: ---ED: --- LÜW: ---DM: N/N = frei, da beide Eltern N/N | SCDA 1&2: N/N = frei, da beide Eltern N/N

kbr/kbr = reinerbig gestromt, da beide Eltern kbr/kbr


Wurftag: 16.05.2018 um 06:48Uhr

Gewicht: 18,5kg (11.11.2018)

Schulterhöhe: 55cm (11.11.2018)

Mutter: Baya´s Sunshine von den Hohenheimer Herdern

Vater: Grog von Carolus Magnus

We decided for a Dutch Shepherd after two Labrador ladies. We made this decision, because we wanted a dog with strong character, calm, well balanced and having a good health. This is a short version how we got our little baby called Leeloo.


How is she?


She is a real challenging dog. After she stepped over our doorsill, we felt that she is different to the dogs we knew so far.

First of all, she is proud, and she is very clever. Beside this, Leeloo is very open, clear, calm, friendly to other dogs and people, but careful. She has absolutely no problems with car driving, she is very sure in any environment starting with forests or meadows, finishing with airports or big shopping centers.


She loves to work. Does not matter what kind of work. Until it makes her fun, she is enjoying it. However, her beloved activities are biting, sniffing and hunting. Her temperament is placed somewhere in the middle and she has got a very nice drive.

She is now already 6 months old. It means that we live together only about 4 months. But, during this time she became her stable place in our family and we can only hardly imagine how could we live without her. She is a real clown in our family. Always in good mood and ready for any activity.


What will be the next steps with Leeloo?


Leeloo is a real all-round dog. I am still not decided in which direction we will go. However, I would like to combine all activities that she likes and that fit to me. I see a good potential for rescue work, hunting work, protection work, tracking work. I will decide when all of her natural abilities come up. Until that time, we will continue in developing of general abilities and building of a strong team.


Sharleena, I would like to thank you again for this wonderful Hohenheimer girl, that we got from you and for your trust in us.





Für mich geht ein Jahr voller Emotionen zu Ende. Mein Seelenkind... weiterlesen




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